Renowned producer Uji and filmmaker, Carlos Rivero, present their new documentary film, ‘Ser-Tiempo’

After its premiere in various European film festivals earlier this month, ‘Ser-Tiempo’, the latest documentary from renowned music producer, Uji, and Venezuelan filmmaker Carlos Rivero, is already available online.
The 12-minute short film explores Uji’s deep research of different indigenous communities of Latin America, between 2009 and 2013, through the unique perspective of director Carlos Rivero. Uji is an artist who has been exploring the relationship of sound and altered states of the mind for the past two decades across various traditions, and the ritualism behind these dynasties and indigenous cultures; beside going deeper into the complexities of electronic music.
‘Ser-Tiempo’ invites the audience into an intimate view of his artistic journey and musical work, its influences, cosmovision, passion for exploration of the cultural roots and the fascination for the intricacies of the sound.
‘Ser-Tiempo’ is also based on material from the critically-acclaimed filmmaker Vincent Moon, more specifically from his feature film, ‘Esperando El Tsunami (2011)’, documenting his trips around Colombia with Uji’s former project Lulacruza.
Synopsis ‘Ser-Tiempo’
Ser-Tiempo (Being-time) is an in-depth portrait of Uji; an artist in search of altered states of being, a musician who has delved both into the ritualism of indigenous cultures and the intricacies of electronic music. This “artist manifesto” directed by Carlos Rivero, brings the viewer into Uji’s world; his research and travels throughout Latin America, his exploration into the roots of culture, and his fascination with sound. In the film he shows us that by celebrating tradition and diversity through music, we are able to both recognize where we come from and influence where we are going.
The film compiles footage from Uji’s years of research, documenting and studying with indigenous communities all throughout Latin America as a part of his in-depth audiovisual research (2009-2013). It also draws in material from acclaimed French cinematographer and long-time Uji collaborator Vincent Moon, and specifically from their joint art-film “Esperando El Tsunami (2011)” which documents their travels through Colombia. To complete the picture, Rivero also includes present-day touring footage as well as up-close visual portraits.
Inspired by the Japanese Buddhist concept which gives Uji his name, often translated as being-time, the film portrays Uji’s perspective of using music as a portal to modify time. By being-time, we embrace that we in fact are time itself, by bringing together past, present and future into one “presence”, we rewrite our reality and define our future.
‘SER- TIEMPO’ @ Festivals
Septiembre 2020- Soundscreen Film Festival 2020 (Ravenna, Italia)
Octubre 2020 -3ª edición del Festival Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Kronos Art BCN – Arts Santa Mònica (España)
Noviembre 2020 – Festival SELVA en Hamburgo

About Luis Maurette, Uji:
Uji is one of the most unique and forward thinking electronic music producers coming out of South America, whose trance-inducing compositions fuse indigenous and natural soundscapes with the sound design and aesthetics of modern dance music.
Inspired by his nomadic upbringing throughout the Americas, for the past 17 years he has been digging deep into South American ancestral traditions as an ethnomusicologist and documentarian. He has been an electronic musician since the year 2000, most notably with his early work as half of the electronic folk pioneering duo Lulacruza (2005-2016). With his acclaimed solo debut album, Alborada, in 2018, he further explores the evolution of folklore; ancient regional customs in dialogue with our modern times and rituals.

His powerful and energetic live performances have taken him on extensive tours around Europe, the US, Asia and Latin America playing prestigious festivals such as ADE in Amsterdam and Mutek Montreal.

About Carlos Christian Rivero:
Carlos is a filmmaker and art director based in Barcelona. His work focuses on unleashing the essence of stories which are depicted in his dreamy visuals. When not creating commercial work he puts his soul into personal projects across documentary, music and short films. _

‘SER-TIEMPO’ Oficial Credits:
Directed by Carlos Rivero
Produced by Dana Natera & Carlos Rivero
Featuring UJI
Cinematography by Vincent Moon & Carlos Rivero
Script by Dana Natera y Mariano Gorostiaga
Supported by ZZK records
Camera Operators l Ramiro Mordcovich, Vincent Moon, Carlos Rivero, David Leon, Kilian Coronel
Edited by Carlos Rivero
Graphics by David Leon
Illustration by Pedro Zoz
Music & Sound Design by UJI
Mixing Engineers l Andres Velasquez & Uji
Additional Footage by
Ramiro Mordcovich, UJI, Elisa Giorgi, Mutek Argentina, We Must, Hermanos
Puenzo, Cedric Laurenty, Miracol Media, Luis Delgado, Julián Jimenez, Juli
Borrell, & Lulacruza
With the appearance of Alejandra
Ortiz, Ernesto “Teto” Ocampo, Vincent Moon, Baudilio Cuama, Rocio Medina,
Hermanos Ballumbrosio, Comunidad Arhuaca de Gunmaku, Pampei, Urian Sarmiento,
Andrea Etcheverri, Esteban Perlaza, Serafin Hinestrosa, Chirimia del Rio Napi,
Grupo Guascanato, Genaro Torres, Francisco Torres, Nany Valencia, Hugo
Candelario, Cecilia E Jusayú “Cecilia Bonivento”, Maria Teresa Villafañe,
Comunidad Arhuaca de Gunmaku & Louis Tower